Why You Should Make Self Care a Priority!

Why You Should Make Self Care a Priority!

Many people are struggling with finding time in their day to practice self-care. But I am here to tell you that you must make it a priority. As parents, employees, daughters/sons, brother/sisters, we must take care of ourselves or we won’t have anything left to give to anyone else. Not taking care of yourself can lead to physical and mental issues. We can be so used to taking care of everyone else that we feel we have nothing left to take care of ourselves.

Even spending ten minutes a day to meditate, go for a walk, call a friend or take a bath, can make a world of a difference. Every person’s definition of self-care is different. Discover what rejuvenates you and makes you feel refreshed. Then make the time to do that.

Do you know what the reason is you are not making it a priority? Is it you don’t have the time? There are 24 hours in the day. So, schedule your time out to make sure it happens. Do you feel that it is not important? Remember, you are important and you deserve to be happy and at peace. You are not being selfish to take time for yourself!

“Self-care is a deliberate choice to gift yourself with people, places, things, events, and opportunities that recharge our personal battery…” —Laurie Buchanan

Your idea of self-care can evolve. It is important to pay attention to what you need in the moment to feel refreshed.  Maybe you just simply need to go outside and take a walk to hear the sounds of nature. It maybe that you want to crank your favorite song and dance around your kitchen. Do what makes you happy! Start with a small amount of time and work your way up. The important thing is that you are taking time for yourself each day, even it is only for 10 minutes.

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