Busting the 5 Most Common Fitness Myths

Busting the 5 Most Common Fitness Myths

We are three weeks into 2021 and many of us are hard at work on our resolutions so we can make it a better year than 2020 was. One of the most common resolutions is to be healthier through eating better and exercising. But before you get started or continue on your fitness path, I want to bust some common fitness myths.

  1. You can get a six pack of abs by doing tons of crunches every day. In order to get those six packs of abs, you have to diet and lose the fat around your mid-section, otherwise all the crunches in the world won’t do you any good. There are many machines out there that tout you can get a six pack of abs with just their machine but this is simply not true. You must trim down the fat on your body to see your ab muscles from exercise.
  2. Cardio is the only way to lose weight. You can lose weight from doing a lot of cardiovascular exercise but this isn’t the only way to lose weight. You can also watch what you eat and eat healthier and lose weight that way. It is important to have a combination of strength training and cardio. This will help you to add muscle and burn fat.
  3. Lifting weights will make women look unfeminine. Men have more testosterone than women, so this makes it very difficult for them to bulk up and look unfeminine. For women, lifting weights will help to keep your body fat lower. So, go ahead and lift weights. You have nothing to worry about!
  4. Fad diets will help you lose weight quickly. You want to aim for a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain long term. Otherwise, you will end up eating more when you realize the fad diet just isn’t sustainable. It is important to remind you that you want to approach it as a healthier lifestyle and not a short-term goal. Remember: Slow and steady wins the race.
  5. Carbs are bad. Carbohydrates nourish your brain and help to stabilize your mood. The carbs that are important to have as part of your diet are complex carbs. These are whole grains and fruits. These help you to stay fuller longer and stick to your healthier eating. The ones that you should reduce are simple carbs. This is donuts, candy, soda and cakes. They give you short term energy and then you crash. They also don’t have a lot of vitamins and nutrients.

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